Artykuły IKP

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 8 records
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    Witaj w klubie AIDS. Cenzura i kanon wobec nienormatywności na przykładzie wystaw „5000 sztuk” i „Ja i AIDS”
    (Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego we Wrocławiu / Wydział Polonistyki UJ, 2022-12-01) Sosnowska, Dorota; University of Warsaw
    Welcome to the AIDS Club. Censorship and the canon in the face of non-normativity on the example of the exhibitions ‘5,000 pieces’ and ‘Me and AIDS’ The paper reflects on the censorship after 1989 in the context of its ability to create and paradoxically legitimise the otherness. As an example the author uses Polish imagery around the HIV/AIDS epidemics with special focus on two artistic exhibitions from the early 1990s with the epidemic as the subject. One of them was quite successful, but it is forgotten today; the other is remembered to this day and often mentioned in the context of 1990s art even though it was censored back then. Showing the relations between censorship and discourses of otherness the paper reflects on different political possibilities inscribed in the history of transition.
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    Blasted 1999. Sarah Kane’s Body Against the Archive
    (Masaryk University, 2022-12) Sosnowska, Dorota; University of Warsaw
    The body-archive category in Polish Theatre and Performance Studies is articulated as an emancipatory tool with the potential to reclaim the history of marginalised, oppressed, and silenced groups not represented in the archive, but as I claim, it still subsumes the body under the power of identity and meaning it gains through history. Looking at one of the most important 'dead bodies' in the archive of Polish contemporary theatre – Sarah Kane's body – and the way it was present and presented to the Polish viewers, I ask if the other model of the relation between body and history is possible. I find it through the notion of trauma and plasticity inscribed in Kane's text and realised on the Polish stage in the 1999 production of Blasted. Reading the remains of the performance I ask how it can be read in the context of Polish political transition and how it reflects the meaning of Kane's 'new brutalism' in Polish 1990s.
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    Brzydkie uczucia. O nudzie w sztuce i teatrze lat’ 90
    (Instytut Książki, 2022-09) Sosnowska, Dorota; Uniwersytet Warszawski
    Tekst jest omówieniem dwóch wielkich skandali z lat dziewięćdziesiątych: wystawy "Antyciała" z Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej (1995) i spektaklu 'Shopping and fucking" z Teatru Rozmaitości (1999) z perspektywy tak zwanych "brzydkich uczuć" opisanych przez Sianne Ngai. Pretekstem dla rozważań jest książka "Teatr brzydkich uczuć" (2021) pod redakcją Moniki Kwaśniewskiej i Katarzyny Waligóry.
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    Adam Małysz jako epicki wojownik. Przyczynek do mitologii współczesnej
    (2012) Napiórkowski, Marcin; Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Polonistyki, Instytut Kultury Polskiej
    The author attempts to apply an anthropological theory of heroship to analyze selected press narrations about the polish ski jumper – Adam Małysz. To find archaic patterns shaping the contemporary mythology, the author juxtapose relations about sportsman’s successes and archetypical images of heroes. This kind of comparison shows surprising analogies between the cultural image of Adam Małysz and the archaic paradigm of an epic warrior, who continuously search for new challenges increasing his fame.
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    Porywacze psów i kebabowe podziemie. Współczesne mity kulinarne o obcych
    (2013) Napiórkowski, Marcin; Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Polonistyki, Instytut Kultury Polskiej