Podstawa stosowania mechanizmów związanych z redukcją wielości ocen w kontekście zagadnienia wymiaru kary w świetle ostatnich nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego

This article discusses the issues of mechanisms related to the reduction of the multiplicity of assessments in comparison with issues related to the imposition of a penalty. The author outlines the problems that have arisen – on the basis of recent amendments – in order to answer the question: how the application of mechanisms for reducing the number of assessments affects on the punishment? At the same time, the author points out that aggravating and mitigating circumstances that have been added to the criminal act may additionally complicate the matter, after all – depending on the assessment – they will be features that modify prohibited acts, which will additionally aggravate criminal liability in each case.
P. Krawczyk, Podstawa stosowania mechanizmów związanych z redukcją wielości ocen w kontekście zagadnienia wymiaru kary w świetle ostatnich nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego, "Problemy Prawa Karnego" 2024, Nr 1, s. 1-27. https://doi.org/10.31261/PPK.2023.07.01.05
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