Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People’s Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential

The purpose of the article is to present and analyse the role of transfer of military technology, equipment and armaments in mutual military relations between the PRC and Ukraine, as well as its impact on modernization of the PLA and expansion of China’s military potential.

Celem artykułu jest zbadanie i przedstawienie roli transferu technologii wojskowego sprzętu i uzbrojenia we wzajemnych stosunkach wojskowych ChRL i Ukrainy, a także jego wpływu na modernizację Chińskiej Armii Ludowo-Wyzwoleńczej i zwiększenie potencjału militarnego Chin.
Rutkowska, P., Adamczuk, M. Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People’s Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential. (2019). Historia i Polityka, 28(35), 71–85.
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