Kubizm w poezji Mirona Białoszewskiego. Stylizacja czy diagnoza procesów poznawczych?

Summary Cubisme in the Poetry of Miron Białoszewski. Stylization or Diagnosis of Cognitive Process? The article Cubism in the Poetry of Miron Białoszewski. Stylization or Diagnosis of the Cognitive Process? presents a systematical analysis and an interpretation of the relations between style of the cubist art and style of poems written by Polish poet. The authoress considers the following problems: - was the language of avant-garde painting infl uencing the poetic works of Miron Białoszewski? - was the cubist infl uence in the poetry of Białoszewski only on stylisation? In her opinion cubism, which had been adapted into literary works of Polish poet, his world perception and was contributing to diagnosis of important, universal cognitive processes, for example: the mechanisms of the visual perception. The authoress shows the types of modifi cations of the cubist style, which were introduced by Białoszewski. The article aims to demonstrate that the context of cubism is relevant for understanding and explaining Białoszewski’s poetry.
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