Występowanie jenota, norki amerykańskiej i szopa pracza oraz gospodarowanie ich populacjami w obwodach Zarządu Okręgowego PZŁ w Krakowie

The purpose of the study was to analyze the situation of alien predator game animals in hunting districts of Kraków Management Board of PHA and referring to the hunters’ opinions concerning the methods and possibilities of management of raccoon dog, American mink and raccoon. We found that in 2003–2012 the number and range of raccoon dog population have increased. Taking into account the difficulties in inventory and the differences between the number of population, planned and realized harvesting given by the hunters for all three species, it seems to be logical to consider some changes in hunting law regulations connected to management of the population of alien predator species.
M. Hędrzak, J. Jaźwiński, S. Ryszka, and K. Kucharska, “Występowanie jenota, norki amerykańskiej i szopa pracza oraz gospodarowanie ich populacjami w obwodach Zarządu Okręgowego PZŁ w Krakowie,” Acta Agraria et Silvestria series Silvestris, no. LIV, pp. 21–34, 2016.
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