Broń biologiczna - nowe możliwości i zagrożenia

Usage of natural toxins during armed conflict has very long history. Mithridates, king of Pontus, in 1ST century BC, has used miel fou- honey from Rhododendron ponticum –laxative and psychoactive agent, versus Roman army. Pasteur and Koch, microbiology pioneers, has discovered in XIX c. methods of in vitro bacteria culture. Shortly after army has started use them to create germ warfare. Biological warfare might be divide by virtue of pathogen potential: pathogens with high virulence and death rate, used in past in armed combat(A), pathogens with average virulence and mortality(B), pathogens which could be used in military purposes after genetic modification(C). Creation of new sort of bioweapons aids stirring dangerous strains of antimicrobial resistance bacteria. For example discovered in 2015 strain of Escherichia Coli where scientists found mcr1 –all antibiotic resistance gene.On attention deserve neurotoxins producing by algae e.g.maitotoxin or tetrodotoxin and bacillus-Clostridium-tetanospasmin and botulinum toxin. Culture of the foregoing organisms is quite simple. Peculiar danger, might be used as bioweapon, are samples of eradicated pathogens(e.g.Variola Vera).Stored in laboratories in US and Russia could be any time now used to cause unpredictable pandemic.
Smakosz, A. (2017). Broń biologiczna - nowe możliwości i zagrożenia. W: V. Tanaś, W. Welskop, Człowiek wobec zagrożeń współczesności. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu.