Obraz Kościoła w manifestach husyckich okresu rewolucji

The Vision of the Church in the Hussite Manifestos in the Period of the Revolution. The article presents the vision of the Church that emerges from the Hussite manifestos in the time of the revolution. The manifestos are divided into two groups: those coming from the beginning of the revolution (1419-1421) and those from the times of its most illustrious triumphs (1430-1431). Although addressed to a variety of addressees, they comprise a number of common constituents which enable a reconstruction of the ecclesiastic elements expressed there in a form of propaganda. Interestingly, the Hussites picture two Churches: the ideal one, which they identify with the Church of the first ages; and the contemporary one, which is corrupted by wealth and which needs to be reformed. It is in the contemporary Church that the Antichrist operates by means of different people and methods, for example by using a crusade against the Czech. The manifestos deny the orthodoxy of the Council of Constance but they do not discard the tradition of the Church as such and they even use the quotations of the Church Fathers and of the great Christian theologians in order to justify the Hussite postulates. The question of who should have the right to interpret the Bible, the law and the theological writings, however, remains open. Similarly, no systematic ecclesiological teaching is to be found there.
Paweł F. Nowakowski, Obraz Kościoła w manifestach husyckich okresu rewolucji, w: Historia vero testis temporum, red. A. Waśko, J. Smołucha, T. Graff, P. F. Nowakowski, Kraków 2008, s. 715-722.