Application of statistical and neural approaches to the daily load profiles modelling in power distribution systems

Load modelling is, an essential task in economic analysis, operation and planning of distribution systems. Particularly, when a Demand Side Managemenf system is taken into account on a deregulated energy market the knowledge of load profiles is of the greatest importance. Forecas>ting of daily demand, based upon load models, uses comparable load research data for a different customer mix. For the given season and day of the week the shape of a daily load curve depends mainly on the customer composition. Difficulties in defining objective customer classes significantly complicate the forecasting process. Usage of statistical clustering and neural network approach makes possible to improve the load modelling accuracy. This paper presents load modelling methods useful for the long term planning of power distribution systems. Theoretical statement is illustrated by examples which correspond to Polish and German distribution systems.
J. Nazarko, Z. A. Styczynski, Application of statistical and neural approaches to the daily load profiles modelling in power distribution systems, 1999 IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference, New Orleans, LA, 11-16 April 1999, pp. 320-325 vol. 1