Literacki hołd poetów galicyjskich dla Józefa Dunina Borkowskiego

The article is devoted to one of the most outstanding figures of Polish ‘domestic’ Galician Romanticism – Józef Dunin Borkowski – about whom Anna Opacka wrote as of a ‘wrongfully forgotten poet’. The premature death of the animator of romanticising trends in Lviv (he lived just 34 years, died 18th June 1843) has disorganised the unity of the whole environment and disrupted the preparations for ‘Album na korzyść pogorzelców’, announced by the deceased. The comrades of the poet’s ‘literary employment’ commemorate him in an extraordinary tribute: his younger brother – Aleksander Dunin Borkowski – has completed (in 1844) the edition of the aforementioned album. It contained not only the artistic pieces given to this charitable initiative by the most important authors of the time, but also the intimate farewells to the deceased editor. And, it is exactly these texts, which hold the greatest value for history of literature, which became the subject of our exploration. August Bielowski, after the funeral, wrote an amicable recollection, which was, nota bene, an inestimable source of knowledge on the beginnings of Galician Romanticism. The second text, also an important testimony of remembrance, was an emotional poem written by Aleksander Dunin Borkowski, and which is a unique example of romantic funerary poetry.
Półchłopek, Tadeusz (2019). Literacki hołd poetów galicyjskich dla Józefa Dunina Borkowskiego. Napis, XXV (2019), 86–106.
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