Narodziny polskiego scjentyzmu – o kryptometafizycznej dyskusji na temat szaleństwa

The article includes an analysis of the discussion that was sparked in the Polish medical society by the work of a Polish philosopher and professor of the Warsaw Main School, Henryk Struve, titled On the existence of soul and its role in mental illness (1867). The author attempts to present critical statements made by medics (such as Henryk Hoyer, Stanisław Markiewicz, Romuald Pląskowski, Wiktor Feliks Szokalski) as an example of an awakened scientific awareness associated with Polish positivism in order to illustrate various difficulties surrounding the birth of the new positivist outlook including a strong influence of Polish idealistic philosophy on positivism. Through juxtaposition of these opinions he shows that in essence this hermetic and specialist dispute was not so much concerned with etiology of madness as with the basis of certain knowledge, the borders of the methodology of natural sciences, and most of all the question of the existence of soul.
Damian Włodzimierz Makuch, Narodziny polskiego scjentyzmu – o kryptometafizycznej dyskusji na temat szaleństwa, [w:] Między przyrodoznawstwem a humanistyką. Przestrzenie kultury polskiego pozytywizmu, red. Maciej Gloger, Tomasz Sobieraj, Warszawa 2016, s. 23–38.
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