Prywatyzacja dziennikarska jako element komunikacji marek medialnych za pośrednictwem aplikacji

In the age of new media, growing popularity of digital-born media outlets has become a central issue for legacy print media. The position of even leading newspapers is challenged by online news sources. Adaptation of mobile applications is one of the most widely-used method to increase newspaper circulation and profits. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of personalisation on the communication of journalists on mobile social network services. Ephemeral stories published on Snapchat and Instagram were collected from four channels: „The New Yorker”, „Le Figaro”, „The Washington Post”, and „The Guardian”. The study was conducted from December 2017 to February 2018 and from July to August 2018. The privatisation of journalistic communication via mobile applications (PJA) may be defined as a situation when a media worker publishes news or opinions via mobile application in a manner specific to common, non-professional users. The manifestation of PJA is, for example, the reverse phenomenon to the citizen journalism which means publishing amateur, low technical quality stories by professional media workers. There have been identified four fields where PJA appears: creation of personal media workers image, newsroom presentation, using non-professional video footage, and maintaining a dialogue with an audience via mobile applications. The findings show that there are four key signs indicating that PJA has been applied. Firstly, the main effect of PJA is the emergence of a new group of media workers: journalists–friends. Journalists are not only sources of the information but also friends who use the same app. Secondly, changing journalist position affects the structure of newsroom. There is a new profession called multimedia journalist which was created as a result of the merger tasks of anchorman, news reporter, online editor, and community manager. Thirdly, newspapers and magazines adopt television genres and create their own formats, for instance, popular „Fake or for Real” from „The Guardian” which has an average of 50 thousand viewers each week. Lastly, media owners include mobile applications in their strategy, for example, Condé Nast has over 100 video series associated with newspapers in their publishing portfolio. 65 popular series renewals with more than 40 new series.
Flasiński, K. (2018). Prywatyzacja dziennikarska jako element komunikacji marek medialnych za pośrednictwem aplikacji. W: T. Gackowski, K. Brylska, M. Patera (red.), Komunikowanie w świecie aplikacji. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Aspra-JR (s. 13-30). ISBN: 978-83-7545-904-3.
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