Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 87 records
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    La Tunisie musulmane, pays à un riche passé chrétien et un présent tolérant
    (Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1996) Parzymies, Anna; Department for European Islam Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
    En avril 1996 le pape Jean Paul II a effectué une visite officielle en Tunisie. Après le Maroc, la Tunisie a été le deuxième pays de l’Afrique du Nord où s’est rendu le Souverain Pontife. Dans son discours devant le pape, le président de la Tunisie, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali a rappelé le passé chrétien de son pays. ,,La Tunisie, qui a eu dans son passé si grand apport ò la pensée chrétienne – disait-il – est restée après être devenue l’un des pôles lumineux de la civilisation islamique, une terre de quiètude et de coexistence pour les minorités chrétiennes et israélites. En effet, l’une comme l’autre ont trouvé dans l’ésprit d’ouverture des hommes de religion des pôles de référence priviligiés de la culture de tolérance et des nobles valeurs”. Rappelons qu’en juin 199O le chef d’Etat tunisien a été reçu par le pape au Vatican.
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    Origins and reasons of the Gulf conflict of 1990/1991
    (Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1996) Jamsheer, Hassan
    The Gulf conflict of 1990/1991 was not an incidental event, but the climax in a long chain of events. The deeper causes have their historical, ideological, political, economic and psychological roots. In general, the causes of the conflict could be classified as indirect and direct.
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    Egypt’s Arabism: Aḥmad Ḥasan az-Zayyāt: From Islam’s Community to the wide Pan-Arab Nation in the 1930s and 1940s
    (Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1996) Walker, Dennis
    Az-Zayyāt often felt strong supra-Arab Islamic community emotions in topical contemporary contexts and perpetuated themes about pristine classical Islam from the old pre-World War I type of political pan-Islamism in Egypt. He carried forward Al-Afġānī’s identification with the world-wide military conquests of the early Muslim Arabs, and the universalist Islamic states (empires) that they founded almost overnight. This supra-Middle Eastern scope of the classical Arabs’ role posed problems for the rigorous territorialization of an Arab nation indispensable for a viable Arab nationalism in Egypt.
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    Searching for the origins of things. On the ‘ilm al-awā’il in the culture of the Arabic Middle Ages
    (Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1996) Dziekan, Marek M.; Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw; Department of Middle East and North Africa Studies, University of Lodz
    It is not certain, either, if knowledge of the origins was treated, in Arabic culture, as a separate branch of knowledge or as an element of history or adab literature. Works as Kitāb al-awā’il by Al-‘Askarī or Al-Wasā’il ilā ma‘rifat al-awā’il by Aṯ-Ṯa‘labī (X-XI centuries) can, on the one hand, be considered a proof of some independence of ma‘rifat al-awā’il in the Arabic literature; on the other hand, the sections on the “pioneers” most frequently appeared in historical context, which is the case of Kitāb al-ma‘ārif by Ibn Qutayba; later on, similarly Al-Qalqašandī took a similar route, which will be discussed further on.
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    The seventy-yard long chain desert (The prose of Ibrāhīm al-Kawnī)
    (Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1996) Machut-Mendecka, Ewa; Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
    Odysseus had already abandoned his young and beautiful wife to begin dangerous travels. He was followed by hundreds of heroes of myths and legends who gave themselves up to the adventures far away from home. But they usually came back willingly to their homeland, while thinking of homeland alleviated the hard life they led in foreign lands. Surprisingly, contrary to this tradition, the travellers in the prose of a Libyan writer Ibrāhīm al-Kawnī (who wrote i.a. a long novel “The Magi” (Al-Maǧūs) and many stories dealing with desert themes) go to the desert and never come back to their families.