The History Of Pathologization And Depathologization Of Rapid Ejaculation

Delaying ejaculation for the greater sexual satisfaction has been an aim for many men for many centuries. But it was not until the end of the XIXth century that the phenomenon of „premature ejaculation” (PE) was conceived as a medical disorder. Since then different proposals of etiology and treatment were offered, almost always linking the phenomenon with psychological or biological defects and problems, from neurosis, to penile hypersensitivity, to hormonal imbalance. The multiplicity of scientifically explained causes strenghtened the aura of pathology around the „too short” lenght of time to ejaculation. Having a long-standing position in main medical and psychiatrical classifications, premature ejaculation is nowadays seen by specialists as a well-recognized sexual dysfunction. Nevertheless we can observe the beginning of the defiance towards the processes of medicalization and pathologization of the rapid ejaculation. Some voices, usually not yet recognized by mainstream sexology, stress the normalcy of differences in lengths of time to climax, basing of the reinterpretation of the same biologically oriented studies that were used to pathologize PE. Others show the cultural differences in reaction to rapid ejaculation, which in some regions of the world is desired rather than dreaded. Some sociologically oriented researchers prove that the current approaches to PE reinforce the „coital imperative” (the conviction that the intercourse is the quintessence of heterosexual sex), put unnecessary pressure on men and limits sexual imagination and repertoire. As a result, a tedious work on delaying ejaculation can paradoxically strip the sex from the pleasure. To what extent these radically different approaches and theories influence the medical and lay view on rapid ejaculation? The answer to this question embedded within historical and normative analysis of both medicalization and normalization of PE, as well as the accompanying values regarding sex and gender, will be the aim of the presentation.
Grunt-Mejer, K. (2018). The History Of Pathologization And Depathologization Of Rapid Ejaculation. Kongres ESHMS 2018 - Old Tensions, Emerging Paradoxes In Health: Rights, Knowledge, And Trust, Lizbona, 6-8.06.2018